Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to promote practice.
ALA/AASL Standard 3 Elements:
3.1 Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior
3.2 Access to information
3.3 Information technology
3.4 Research and knowledge creation
Projects and Standard3 Elements Represented:
Staff Development Electronic Portfolios:
3.1 Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior
3.2 Access to information
3.3 Information technology
3.4 Research and knowledge creation
Staff Development Plan:
3.1 Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior
3.2 Access to information
3.3 Information technology
3.4 Research and knowledge creation
Reference Source Instructional Lesson:
3.1 Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior
3.2 Access to information
3.3 Information technology
3.4 Research and knowledge creation
Curriculum Mapping Project:
3.2 Access to information
3.4 Research and knowledge creation
Personal Philosophy:
In the selection of media center materials it is of primary importance that they reflect the current student curriculum, and student interests. When teaching research skills to our students I provide lessons that utilize both print, and web based sources. Providing these skills to my students provides them with life-long learning skills that are vital for their success in a rapidly changing technological society.
Reflective Statement:
The staff development project and plan has allowed me to incorporate technology into practice for teachers throughout the school. This was benefcial to many students in my building when the technology skills taught to teachers were utilized with their students in developing their own portfolios. The artifact and project links below also demonstrate my skills and abilities to teach and guide my students in the development of ethical research skills. The reference source instructional lesson helped my students develop their knowledge of reference sources for research and their knowledge creation. The research handbook is very helpful to my students in organizing their research, and providing multiple print, and web based resources for their research. The curriculum mapping project completed early in the program demonstrates my ability to evaluate the resources in the media center, and on the web, for my students to access information, and use it for their research and knowledge creation. Accomplishing the curriculum mapping project allowed me to gain experience and expanded my knowledge of a variety of information sources to support the needs of my students, and community. The artifact and project links below demonstrate my skills and abilities to teach and guide my students in the development of ethical research skills. These project links demonstrate my abilities, and experience, with incorporating current technologies into collaborative instructional lessons and units. This has resulted in providing authentic learning experiences that have provided our students with a step toward success for the future.