Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages student’s interests and develops their ability to inquire, and think critically, gain and share knowledge.
ALA/AASL Standard 2 Elements:
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning style
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher
1.3 Instructional partner
1.4 Integration of twenty first century skills and learning standards
Projects Presented and the Standard 1 Elements Represented:
Project: Reference Resource Padlet Page:
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning style.
1.4 Integration of twenty first century skills and learning standards.
Captstone Inquiry Guitar Research:
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning style
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher
1.3 Instructional partner
1.4 Integration of twenty first century skills and learning standards
Design and Development of Instruction Animal Research Unit:
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning style
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher
1.3 Instructional partner
1.4 Integration of twenty first century skills and learning standards
Dewey Decimal Power Point:
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning style
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher
1.4 Integration of twenty first century skills and learning standards
Personal Philosophy:
In the present technological environment it is fundamental that we as teachers, and librarians, have knowledge of technologies for use in the classroom, but that we embrace them as well. It is fundamental that I understand my learners, and their learning styles. Teaching our students with current technologies is beneficial to students, and allows us to design lessons that capitalize our student’s learning styles. It allows us to help our students learn in a way they enjoy, and understand, while preparing them for the future in a rapidly changing technological world. Being a teacher and librarian allows me to provide an invaluable service to my students, my community in a relevant and meaningful manner.
Reflective Statement:
The project links below demonstrate my abilities for the teaching and learning standard. The twenty first century capstone project is a collaborative teaching unit developed by myself and the music teacher at my current school (Legacy Traditional School). This guitarist research unit allowed us to guide our students through researching their chosen guitarist using both web based, and print materials. Each group of two students presented their final project in the form of an interview of their guitarist, a poster, or a Microsoft Power Point presentation along with a written bibliography. This allowed them as partners to choose which final project fit their learning styles, and this would help them express their learning in a way that was meaningful to them. The animal research unit benefited the second grade students at Paxton Schools by allowing them to learn about the on-line encyclopedia. Students by way of laptop were able to explore the sight for information about their chosen animal. This unit allowed the classroom teacher, and myself to teach 21st century skills in a way that was meaningful to our students. The Dewey Power Point allowed me to demonstrate the use of 21st Century skills to my students, while helping my students understand the topic in a visual, and auditory style of learning. Each of these projects has helped our students, and us teachers learn in meaningful ways.